Entourage continues this season with Vince having a new agent for the first time since Ari. Amanda, Vince's new agent, tries to steer Vince away from Medellin even though she knows this is the movie that he wants. After Ari brings up that Medellin is available again Vince tells Amanda that he wants to hold off on any other project until they find out about Medellin. After Vince finds out that Medellin has slipped through his hands once again he questions Amanda. After being fired by her Vince goes back to Ari after he got Vince the rights to the movie of his dreams. They sign Billy Walsh again to direct and they leave for filming.

Also during the season Drama's celebrity rises as his show Five Towns becomes a hit, and Turtle really doesn't have a huge impact. Turtle instead does his normal driving the gang around and somking his weed.